[Updated] Windows Developer Preview; Knowing from the inside out.

Previously, I have post my stream about the new Windows version releasing this year, about the program compatibility and also the walkthrough of installing Windows Developer Preview together with the existing Windows 7.

Today, I want to share about “What is Windows Developer Preview?” and “What are the new features that come with Windows Developer Preview?” So, here is the list of features that comes with the new Windows version.
  • Windows boot screen
In Windows Developer Preview, there will be a new Windows boot screen. Nothing special really, just a new boot screen of Windows Developer Preview.
  • Windows dual OS switching screen
Most of all users have familiar with exiting Windows 7 OS boot switching with black screen at background. In Windows 7, you have to switch your OS using your keyboard. Now in Windows Developer Preview, you can switch your OS by moving your mouse or even using your keyboard. Also, there is a new extensive feature about the boot configuration in a new version of Windows.
  • Windows login screen
Both Windows Vista and Windows 7 have the same features of login screen. But in Windows Developer Preview, a new green coloured background login screen is used, focusing on the user’s attention. Also, you can use multiple ways of credential login method such as PIN (Personal Identification Number) as a password, using a picture as a scribble password and also using your Windows Live ID as your login credentials. You can set it in Control Panel under User tab.
  • Windows Metro start screen
In previous version of Windows, the start screen would be at the corner, listing all the programs that you have installed and also Windows had installed (A small rectangle at the bottom left corner of it). In Windows Developer Preview, probably the Windows Developer Team wants to change their tradition of using the habit of using Windows start notification style into Windows Start Screen with Metro style. For me, as a user of using Windows Developer Preview OS and also an editor of this blogger, I think it is suitable to use this start screen. After all, it is extremely lame to use the same start screen method at the bottom corner all the time. Also, you can customize your start screen by downloading this tiny application. After that just re-logon your PC. [Download]
  • Windows start button with extensive features at mouse hover
If you have or haven’t realized yet, the new Windows Developer Preview comes with the option for the desktop application. Just hover at the far bottom left corner without pressing at the start button and you can see the options listed, together with the metro clock at the right-hand of the screen. (Don’t be surprised about the clock and the date that has been removed from the taskbar. You can remove it manually. If the metro clock has been installed, the clock and the date at the taskbar can be remove to increase the taskbar space)
  • Windows snap features
There are some parts that come with Windows Developer Preview. You can browse it on start screen for more info. Take for example, you can select the Control Panel, after that you can switch your workspace by pressing WIN+Tab, or clicking your mouse at the left side edge, or just move your mouse to the left side of the edge and drag-and-drop-it to change your workspace. But, some PC cannot execute the windows snap features. You can do this by downloading this tiny application and enable the snap features. [Download]
  • Internet Explorer 10
There are two types of Internet Explorer; one with Desktop workspace, another in Metro workspace. Improvements on Internet Explorer 10 probably of HTML5 feature, so you can surf the web even faster than before.
  • Windows Explorer with Ribbon UI
In Windows Developer Preview, the new Windows Explorer comes with Ribbon UI and as the same interfaces with any Microsoft applications such as Paint, WordPad, Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Movie Maker, and any Microsoft Office 2010 products. There will be more features available for user to use without any trouble usage of right-click menu applications, plus any file can be easy-shared and direct e-mail to your friends or any user accounts
  • Control Panel with Metro Style
Windows Vista and Windows 7 has the same properties of Control Panel. In this new version of Windows, Microsoft introduced another new Control Panel in Metro UI interface. There are new features that comes with all-new Control Panel such as Log on Credential Method where you can log on to your PC by using pictures, PIN identification method or by using your existing Windows Live account; Ease of Application, Metro Application Notification and much more. Just press the Start button and click Control Panel. If you want to browse the old Control Panel, just scroll to the bottom part of Control Panel Metro and click More Settings.
  • 16-bit Application Support
In Windows Developer Preview, Windows will only run in 32-bit application (for 32-bit operating system) or 32/64-bit application (for 64-bit operating system). But if there are some program that require 16-bit application program, you just have to enable the 16-bit application support in Control Panel (not the Metro version)
  • Windows Defender with Antivirus Support
For the first time, Windows has pre-included the antivirus application in Windows Defender. So, there will be no need for user to install any other antivirus application. But if you insist to install the antivirus application, the user just have to disable the Windows Defender only. (since there is no uninstaller for Windows Defender)
  • Windows Task Manager
In Windows XP, Vista and 7, the Windows Task Manager has the same properties (just that in Windows Vista and 7, Microsoft added the 'Services' tab). In Windows Developer Preview, the new Windows Task Manager comes with additional 'App History' tab for Metro applications, new and organised 'Proceses' tab and much more. Plus you can now restart Windows Explorer automatically. (no need to end task then launch explorer.exe manually)
  • Windows Crash Blue Screen
In Windows Developer Preview, there will be a crash blue screen to indicates that the PC is extremely hard to handle the process and ends the session with a shock blue screen, but the new Windows crash blue screen comes with a graphical, friendly blue screen version. (But just the same function as the blue screen in Windows XP, Vista and 7)
  • Progress Dialog Box
In Windows XP, there are no much details for file transfer dialog box, just the animation file transfer (in *.avi format), progress bar, the file name of the item to transfer, the amount of time remaining for the file to transfer and a Cancel button to halt the process. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, the file transfer dialog box redesign for better appearance such that a new windows animation file transfer (also in *.avi format), progress bar, the file name of the item to transfer, the Show Details button expansion showing the amount of time remaining for the file transfer, the total amount of file left in a folder and of course the Cancel button.
In Windows Developer Preview, Microsoft Developer has redesigned the File Progress window. All tasks such as Delete progress window, Copy progress window, Move progress window and changing the properties window will be combined into one dialog box so that less space and memory will be reduced for creating such a lot of Progress windows. All those tasks run in the same time will be auto combine into one window. In a new Progress dialog box, you can even Pause or Resume your task without harming your file. You can view the details about the summary speed of the file transfer, but if you want to preserve your screen space, just hide the details. (There is no animation file transfer since it will consume a lot of memory to transfer the file)
  • PC Refresh
In Windows Developer Preview, Windows can restore to the original Windows files by simply inserting the installation disk. Then, go to old Control Panel, Action Center, Recovery and click Refresh my PC. Don’t worry, all your files and documents will be kept but the programs and updates will be uninstalled and the entire Windows configuration will be reset to the original configuration. But if you want to restore factory settings, click Reset my PC. All the documents, programs and updates will be removed, just like you want to reformat your PC but in the easiest way and safer, if you’re not a programmer though.

So that's it, the new Windows Developer Preview that you can install and explore. So, take your time to explore the new Windows Developer Preview. (just for your information so that Windows 8 will release soon). Any problems, please e-mail to me as soon as possible.